Tel: 01626 365101
Coombes Wood House offers high quality care 24 hours a day and an excellent quality of life for people over 65 years of age who have care needs which may include frailty, continence problems, physical disability or mental health problems, such as poor memory or confusion, depression, anxiety etc.
The service we provide includes an individual care plan for each person who lives here, which will describe all aspects of help and assistance the person needs and how this will be provided.
The facilities at Coombes Wood are extensive and geared towards individual care needs. These include a proper (shaft) lift, hand and grab rails, hoists, moving and handling equipment and well trained staff. Also, visiting services available include chiropody, optician, hairdresser, physiotherapist, dentist etc, and may incur a cost to the resident.
Marjorie offers Reflexology and Massage Therapy to residents where appropriate as part of the care at Coombes Wood House. Several relatives have also benefited from these therapies!
Nearly all rooms have an en suite toilet and residents can pay to have a telephone or television or computer installed in their own rooms.
Outings and leisure pursuits are particularly encouraged and our activities programme can include visits to the pub, or garden centre, shops, the seaside, the moors and other places that the residents like, where they can buy themselves tea or coffee and a cake, or a glass of beer or sherry or a gift for their relatives, etc. We have a small MPV which staff can use to take people out.
Other activities that provide mental and/or physical stimulation include social themed activities such as Easter, Christmas, birthday; reminiscence sessions, “old” movies, music sessions, sun bathing, pets visits (including Donkeys), religious meetings, the Townsey Music therapy meetings held at our premises, visiting musicians (for a singsong), pottering in the garden, going to church and more.
Staff also try to involve residents in small group or one-to-one activities such as craft work, doing puzzles, large scale games according their abilities etc.
Already you will have a sense of our values and philosophy: the underlying characteristic spirit of Coombes Wood House is the belief that the people who live there are of central importance, regardless of their background, disability or care needs.
Here at Coombes Wood House we pride ourselves in accommodating Culture, Religion and spirituality in our home .As a Home we respect that individuals have their own religions and beliefs , we welcome all . Our Staff have educated themselves in knowing the medical beliefs , dietary requirement and holiday seasons that some individuals may or may not follow or celebrate .
Due to illness and COVID-19 restrictions our residents have been unable to attend church , meetings and celebrations .Not only have our staff gone the extra mile but we have been lucky enough to receive the support from our local churches and communities ,which has enabled us to have zoom meetings , Sunday church services and worships , so our residents have not missed out .
Lisa Burgoyne (Registered Manager)
Coombes Wood House Ltd
Coombesend Road East,
Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot TQ12 3DZ
Tel: 01626 36101